These are odds and ends that I've picked up over the years but need information, parts, or something else to make them complete and/or operational.
I have a General Radio 1310-A Oscillator that is missing one of the four feet
that mount to the outside rail. Any ideas for a source that might have one?
I have an Electro Brand model 4703 clock radio lamp. The clock and the
lamp work fine, but the radio has no audio on either AM or FM. I'm looking
for a schematic to help repair the radio.
I'm looking for datasheets for the following 2x20 IEE vacuum fluorescent display modules:
![]() I'm looking for documentation regarding the connectors and how the display area is driven.
I'm looking for documentation for this Hewlett-Packard device.
It is missing the oscillator and interface card, for which I am
also looking.
Click here for photos and more information.
I'm looking for user and service documentation for this 8-inch drive.
I'm also looking for recommendations on an interface card to allow me to
hook this drive up to a "modern" computer.
Click here for more information.
I have a board assembly from what I presume is some type of counter
timer device. It has four Panaplex displays,
three two-digit and one three-digit, driven by DM8880 integrated circuits.
There is a single red LED between the first and second two-digit displays.
I'd like to identify the device this board came from, and perhaps locate the original schematic for the board. The right side of the board has a silkscreened identifier of 445353, along with a stamped Revision number. What appears to be a date code appears above the right-most display, EO 9 74, perhaps indicating an Engineering (design) date of September 1974.
Above the left-most (three-digit) display is A3A2 silkscreened on the corner. |
I'm looking for software to communicate with a Maxim 2741 GPS receiver,
specifically the USB "dongle" device.
Click here for more information.
![]() Click here for more information.
I have an Imaging Automation B3000-D Border Guard device,
with the necessary power supply. It was marketed as a full-page
document (passport, ID card, etc.) authentication system.
Any technical documentation related to this device would be welcome.
I'm looking for documentation for a Sony Antenna Packet Counter.
Inside it's a simple circuit board with 16 LED counting indicators
and three simple integrated circuits, specifically two 74HC164N
serial-to-parallel shift registers and a 74HC02N quad OR gate.
An external BNC connector provides the input signal. The whole thing
is powered by two AA-size batteries.
![]() More photos and brief information can be found here.
![]() More photos and information can be found here. I need at least a replacement front glass piece and various pin connectors. I'd also like to find a source for the chart paper. |
I have a Chrono-Log LED clock/calendar. It has a calendar (day-of-year) and
clock (hours-minutes-seconds) display composed of red LEDs, along with related
black setting pushbuttons for each segment. The stamped manufacturer tag shows
a model of "70,101-142" and a serial number that begins with the digits 87.
The rear of the unit has a power switch and a card-edge connector.
I wrote to the Chrono-Log company and received this reply: This instrument was last produced over 20 years ago. Your instrument was made in 1987. We no longer have instruction manuals available for these models. Does anyone have a manual for this clock, and/or a pinout for the connector? |
I'm looking for protocol specifications for a Trimble GPS receiver,
part number 23198-63, built in 1997. It has two nine-pin serial ports,
a three-pin power connector, and an SMB connector for the antenna (5 volt bias
on the center pin).
I'd also like to find an appropriate antenna for this unit. I also have a Trimble GPS module, supposedly removed from a BMW automobile, part number 23197-62. It has a power connector with three leads (black, red, yellow), a 9-pin female DE connector and an antenna connector. I have no documentation on this module. |
I'm looking for the protocol specifications for the control link on
a Garmin GBR-21 Beacon Receiver. This device provides RTCM-format
corrections for GPS ("Differential GPS")
and is designed to be controlled by one of several
models of Garmin GPS receivers.
I'd like to find the protocol specification to command the GBR21. |
![]() American Satellite Corporation supplies a DES-based encryption device operating in the cipher block-chaining mode. The CryptoLine handles full-duplex serial synchronous data at rates to 56 kbps. A phase-lock-loop prevents loss of synchronization on links with delay problems. Because of its protocol transparency, the CryptoLine can provide security for digital voice, video and facsimile traffic, none of which has a protocol base. It provides two levels of security: a primary key, which is set and changed as often as desired by the user; and a second, resident key. More photos here. |
![]() More photos here. |
The GS700 is a 4-6 channel Global Positioning System (GPS) constellation
simulator in a rack-mount configuration. It is controlled via HP-IB.
From a 2001 web page: The GS-700 is a complete hardware and software package that provides a simulation environment in which a GPS receiver can set time, decode navigation data, and obtain/maintain a dynamic navigation solution. The nominal package contains 4 RF L1 C/A channels with an upgrade capability to 6 channels per chassis. The GS700 is operated by a host computer via GPIB.iThe GS-700 is a complete hardware and software package that provides a simulation environment in which a GPS receiver can set time, decode navigation data, and obtain/maintain a dynamic navigation solution. The nominal package contains 4 RF L1 C/A channels with an upgrade capability to 6 channels per chassis. The GS700 is operated by a host computer via GPIB. Apparently I need a copy of something called the "Voyager GUI" (Voyager Graphical User Interface) to control the simulator. Does anyone have a copy of this software? I'd also be interested in operator (and service) manuals for the GS700 hardware.
Does anyone have any information on this device? It is an RF transmitter in
the 900 MHz range, with DB-9 and antenna connectors on one edge. Inside is a
single circuit board with a socketed PLCC with the following markings:
(Motorola batwing logo)
![]() I have a TrueTime XL-AK, model 600-101-036, that appears to have two problems.
So, I followed the work-around described in the Symmetricom service bulletin (local copy here) and set the year to 1996. I power-cycled the unit and after the restart it began reporting the correct time and lit the status LED green. However, after some period of time the unit shows a red status LED and reports that the GPS is unlocked. It does appear to continue to report the correct time. The unit I have reports TRUETIME XL sys ver 29 when starting up, with V1.046.
The second problem is that the unit's serial port output does not appear
to follow the description in the manual (emulation mode is off).
Instead of showing current time in ASCII format, I get a series of binary
characters that do not have printable ASCII representations. Here's
a sample:
F8 88 00 C0 80 08 40 00 20 40 00 8A 07 1C 90 60 F8 46 01 40 C0 08 40 00 88 40 00 00 00 1E D0 60 FA 08 C0 88 C0 08 40 45 88 40 80 88 04 1E D0 40 F8 42 00 00 C0 08 40 00 8D 40 80 80 02 96 60 C0 F8 42 00 40 80 05 40 80 88 40 00 01 00 0F 60 E0 F8 03 01 00 00 88 40 00 20 00 00 00 88 0E D0 68 Any clues on what I can do to correct the timekeeping error and the serial port problems? Perhaps related, is there a firmware upgrade for this model that can be performed? |
![]() Click here for more photographs and a brief description. |
![]() Click here for more photographs and descriptive text. |
I have four of these modular power supplies, model number S53P11-1A
made by Fortron/Source. It accepts 120 or 240 volts from a standard IEC
power connector and produces 8.5 volts at nearly 6 amps. It has a female
DB-9 connector coming out of the bottom (top?) of the case.
Does anyone have a pin-out for the output connector?
I have three boards, designed for use in an Apple ][ computer, that I'd
like to identify and locate manuals for:
Click here for photographs of the boards.
![]() For more photos, click here. |
![]() For more photos, click here. |
![]() Click here for more photos and information. |
![]() Click here for more photos. |
![]() I'd like to find documentation for the connector and the method of control. You can see more photos by clicking here.
![]() You can see more photos by clicking here.
![]() |
![]() I'm looking for some history on these cards and the machine they went into. Click here for more photos and an inventory count. |
![]() Click here for more information and photos. |
![]() More photos of the board are available here. |
![]() More photos of the boards are available here. |
![]() More photos of the console are available here. |
![]() ![]() These first two devices are pretty straightforward, a decade resistance box and a capacitance box. They appear to be very well made, constructed out of bakelite or a very hard plastic.
Any stories about what these might have been used for? Update: I received the following note from Tom Greenslade, a Professor Emeritus of Physics at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio:
The two pieces of apparatus at the bottom of the picture are resistance boxes. When the plug is out, the resistance appears; when the plug is in the resistance is zero.
![]() |
![]() I e-mailed the company that took over the Autogen product line ( and received this response: We no longer can provide information or parts on the old Autogen products. All of the manuals and obsolete parts were hauled to the dumpster four years ago. |
I picked this up at the 2002 Dayton Hamvention.
Additional photos of the board can be seen by clicking here.
![]() |
I have two boards that are stamped "Sequential Systems" and
appear to be for an Apple ][ computer, but as usual I have
no documentation or software for them.
Photos of these boards can be seen here. Update: I received additional information on these boards from a kind reader. Click on the link above to read his detailed response.
![]() I've put up a page with several photos and a brief description, which can be seen by clicking here. Any information relating to this board would be greatly appreciated.
Any documentation on these items would be greatly appreciated.
![]() For a larger image of the assembly click here. For more information about nixie tubes in general, click here. |
![]() Other than that, it's a neat little computer with a socketed ROM for easy updates. |
ICs on board:
The only external connection is a 20-wire ribbon cable.
Click here
for more pictures and information.
I picked up about a dozen of these "download modules"
at a surplus equipment warehouse. They're manufactured by
Econolite Control Products out of Anaheim, California.
![]() Click here for more pictures.
| |
I'm looking for documentation on this device, which appears
to be able to output a standard video signal from some
kind of eight pin HP-HIL connector.
Update from a reader:
The Hewlett-Packard 82985A Video Interface is an interface box to connect a HP Portable Plus "laptop" computer to a composite monitor. It requires a HP Portable Plus with a special back door (with connector) and a special cable.
![]() The copyright date on the bottom plate is 1982. I don't have the power supply for it. I'd like documentation for this thing, or at least to trade it for something I can use. |
![]() It has a full QWERTY keyboard and a single line LED display, along with a switchable "break-out box" to interconnect the data lines. It is AC powered and comes in a custom carrying case. Although I have the instruction manual, I'd be interested in learning more about the company and other products they might have built. Update: I received the following note:
Just saw your inquiry on the bytebug 625. I actually designed the unit in the early 80's. The unit was upgraded to a bytebug 645 that added T1/ISDN monitoring and Emulation. We sold the company to Tekelec in 1990 and they changed the name to the Chameleon 5. I just moved and threw out all of the old manuals as I was packing. I don't know anyone who supports this product anymore. |
![]() I picked up this odd box at a thrift shop. It's about seven inches long by four inches wide and three inches high and has a single pushbutton mounted in the top center of the box. A plate on the bottom shows a Model 1628 02 (whatever that is) with a serial number of 7302 and a frequency of B 47, but no manufacturer identification.
In January 2002 I received this e-mail:
Does anyone have more technical information about this setup? |
![]() The sticker on the back says it's a model number 1000TR-05, part number 201722, and is stamped Jun 14 1982. It is supposed to come with some kind of power supply that plugs into a jack at the top, right next to the modular line connector. Any ideas on the specifications (voltage, polarity, amperage) for the external power connection? Even better, does anyone have a manual for this thing? Update: I received an e-mail with the following information:
The power supply is 15 VDC, 500 mA, sleeve positive.
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Updated July 20, 2022