This is a two-player game where the interprocess communication mechanism is a pair of shared disc files. Look for the ASSIGN, ADVANCE, READ #1 and PRINT #1 commands. At startup, the first player waits for the second player by checking the appropriate file. To actually perform the wait, a SYSTEM call is made to execute the PAUSE comamnd.

1000  PRINT '14'24'24'24'15TAB(10)'8'8'8'8'10"TLE"'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'8"SKYBATTLE"
1010  S2=0
1020  S1=3
1030  DIM F[7,15]
1040  V1=1
1050  V=1
1060  DIM Q$[3],Z1$[10],Z$[10]
1070  Z$="DUEL1.G101"
1080  Z1$="DUEL2.G101"
1090  FILES *
1100  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
1110  READ #1;A
1120  IF A=0 THEN 1270
1130  REM          TEAM ONE
1140  PRINT #1,1;0
1150  FOR L=1 TO 5
1160  ASSIGN Z1$,1,R2
1170  READ #1;A
1180  IF A=0 THEN 1330
1190  SYSTEM R2,"PAUSE-3"
1200  NEXT L
1210  PRINT "No opponents have been spotted as of yet, would you like to wait";
1220  INPUT O$
1230  IF O$[1,1]="Y" THEN 1150
1240  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
1250  PRINT #1;1
1260  STOP
1270  REM          TEAM TWO
1280  Z$="DUEL2.G101"
1290  Z1$="DUEL1.G101"
1300  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
1310  PRINT #1;0
1320  ASSIGN Z1$,1,R2
1330  PRINT "Would you like an intro";
1340  INPUT O$
1350  IF O$[1,1]="Y" THEN 2780
1360  PRINT "Would you like to review the commands";
1370  INPUT O$
1380  IF O$[1,1]="N" THEN 1400
1390  GOSUB 2840
1400  PRINT "Both teams are launching  "'26'26'26'26'26'26'26'26'26'26"HERE IS"
1410  MAT F=ZER
1420  F[3,4]=1
1430  F[5,4]=2
1440  F[4,6]=3
1450  F[3,12]=F[4,10]=F[5,12]=4
1460  FOR R=1 TO 7
1470  FOR C=1 TO 15
1480  IF F[R,C]#0 THEN 1510
1490  PRINT "   ";
1500  GOTO 1560
1510  IF F[R,C]<4 THEN 1540
1520  PRINT "";
1530  GOTO 1560
1540  CONVERT F[R,C] TO F$
1550  PRINT "<";F$;">";
1560  NEXT C
1570  PRINT
1580  NEXT R
1590  ASSIGN Z1$,1,R2
1600  ADVANCE #1;V,R2
1610  IF  END #1 THEN 1940
1620  READ #1;M
1630  GOTO M OF 1650,1770
1640  GOTO 1940
1650  READ #1;R,C,D
1660  V=V+4
1670  F[R,C]=4
1680  GOTO D OF 1690,1710,1730,1750
1690  F[R+1,C]=0
1700  GOTO 1610
1710  F[R,C+1]=0
1720  GOTO 1610
1730  F[R-1,C]=0
1740  GOTO 1610
1750  F[R,C-1]=0
1760  GOTO 1610
1770  READ #1;R,C
1780  V=V+3
1790  S1=S1-1
1800  IF S1>0 THEN 1900
1810  PRINT "SIR, out last ship has been destroyed"
1820  ASSIGN Z1$,1,R2
1830  IF  ERROR  THEN 1860
1840  PRINT #1;100
1850  GOTO 1830
1860  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
1870  IF  ERROR  THEN 2890
1880  PRINT #1;100
1890  GOTO 1870
1900  PRINT "SIR, we lost another ship"
1910  PRINT "That leaves us with only";S1
1920  F[R,C]=0
1930  GOTO 1610
1940  PRINT "SIR, what are your orders--";
1950  ENTER 6,R2,O$
1960  PRINT
1970  IF R2=-1 OR R2=-256 THEN 1590
1980  IF O$="PF" THEN 1460
1990  IF O$="FL" THEN 2030
2000  IF O$="MS" THEN 2400
2010  GOSUB 2840
2020  GOTO 1590
2030  PRINT "Whichh of our ships is firing";
2040  INPUT S
2050  IF S<1 OR S>3 OR INT(S)#S THEN 2030
2060  PRINT "Which direction, Sir  (1)N (2)E (3)S (4)W     ";
2070  INPUT D
2080  IF D<1 OR D>4 OR INT(D)#D THEN 2060
2090  FOR R=1 TO 7
2100  FOR C=1 TO 15
2110  IF F[R,C]=S THEN 2160
2120  NEXT C
2130  NEXT R
2140  PRINT "That ship was already destroyed"
2150  GOTO 2030
2160  IF R=7 and D=3 OR R=1 AND D=1 OR C=1 AND D=4 OR C=15 AND D=2 THEN 2260
2170  GOTO D OF 2180,2200,2220,2240
2180  R=R-1
2190  GOTO 2250
2200  C=C+1
2210  GOTO 2250
2220  R=R+1
2230  GOTO 2250
2240  C=C-1
2250  IF F[R,C]>3 THEN 2280
2260  PRINT "SORRY SIR, we missed the enemy airship"
2270  GOTO 1590
2280  PRINT "SIR, we nailed one"'7
2290  S2=S2+1
2300  F[R,C]=0
2310  IF S2<3 THEN 2320
2320  PRINT S2;"DOWN";3-S2;"TO GO"
2330  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
2340  ADVANCE #1;V1,R2
2350  PRINT #1;2,R,18-C
2360  V1=V1+3
2370  IF S2<3 THEN 1590
2380  PRINT "SIR, we have destroyed their entire fleet"
2390  GOTO 2890
2400  PRINT "Which ship sir";
2410  INPUT S
2420  IF S<1 OR S>3 OR INT(S)#S THEN 2400
2430  FOR R=1 TO 7
2440  FOR C=1 TO 15
2450  IF F[R,C]=S THEN 2500
2460  NEXT C
2470  NEXT R
2480  PRINT "SORRY SIR, that ship has been destroyed"
2490  GOTO 1590
2500  PRINT "Which direction------(1)north (2)east (3)south (4)west";
2510  INPUT D
2520  IF D<1 OR D>4 OR INT(D)#D THEN 2500
2530  IF D=1 AND R=1 OR D=2 AND C=15 OR D=3 AND R=7 OR D=4 AND C=1 THEN 2550
2540  GOTO 2570
2550  PRINT "SORRY SIR, that is out of bounds"
2560  GOTO 1590
2570  R1=R
2580  C1=C
2590  GOTO D OF 2600,2620,2640,2660
2600  R=R-1
2610  GOTO 2670
2620  C=C+1
2630  GOTO 2670
2640  R=R+1
2650  GOTO 2670
2660  C=C-1
2670  IF F[R,C]<1 THEN 2700
2680  PRINT "We can't do that sir, we would have to ram a ship."
2690  GOTO 1590
2700  PRINT "Movement completed"
2710  F[R1,C1]=0
2720  F[R,C]=S
2730  ASSIGN Z$,1,R2
2740  ADVANCE #1;V1,R2
2750  PRINT #1;1,R,18-C,D
2760  V1=V1+4
2770  GOTO 1590
2780  PRINT "In this battle you control 3 airships against 3 enemy"
2790  PRINT "airships.  To fire your lasers at a ship, you must be"
2800  PRINT "right next to them.  Then you may fire either north, "
2810  PRINT "south, east, or west.  Here is a list of legal orders:"
2820  GOSUB 2840
2830  GOTO 1400
2840  PRINT "MS-----------------move ship"
2850  PRINT "FL---------------fire lasers"
2860  PRINT "PF--------------print format"
2870  PRINT "LC------------list commaneds"
2880  RETURN
2890  END

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Last updated February 27, 2005